Wojciech Amaro | polandshiok.sg

Wojciech Amaro

Wojciech Modest Amaro, the chef behind Atelier Amaro, the recipient of Poland’s first Michelin star and author of best-selling “The Polish Cuisine of the 21st Century” and “The Nature of Polish cuisine”.

Poland’s cuisine will be making its mark in the world in the next few years. There is already more and more talk about what the Polish cuisine is all about. Polish Food Festival in Singapore can be an unique opportunity for the food savvy locals to taste it.

With Poland’s first Michelin star gained by Atelier, Polish cuisine has joined the family of great cuisines around the world. Poland has a lot to offer as 30% of its territory is forested: a kingdom of mushroom, wild herbs, game, venison, berries and flowers. Biodiversity is Poland’s culinary strength as Poland possesses a sea coastline, great lakes area and mountains – each filled with amazing ingredients .

I expect many more stars for Poland in the future. We can be one of the most influential and big cuisines in upcoming years. The day will come when people around the world will be saying: Let’s have Polish tonight!