Marek Kamiński “From South & North Pole to Artificial Intelligence” |

Marek Kamiński “From South & North Pole to Artificial Intelligence”



Marek Kamiński inspires people to let the impossible become possible!

The same cosmos that exists in the universe is also inside every human being. Human is one of the greatest mysteries in this world. While studying philosophy, I wanted to know and answer the questions: why is it all? for what?

By reaching the North and South Poles alone without outside help, I wanted to know the limits of the human possibilities and how to move them. I realized that human life is a road and its possibilities are endless. The outside world, civilization, technology and what we have created with our minds are our reflection. While reaching to the North and South Poles with Jasiek Mela, I understood that man is what he gives to others and that we are in the world to help each other.

We also have to help ourselves to survive. That’s why I have organized my last “No Trace Expedition” trip from Poland to Japan and back, 30,000 km through Siberia, the Gobi Desert and China without leaving a trace and pollution to show people that it’s possible.

Through all these extreme projects, I discovered the Polaris Method, which is the art of achieving goals. So far, this method has changed the lives of tens of thousands of people in Poland and around the world for the better. It has helped especially those who don’t believe in themselves, struggle with fear and insecurity, don’t have the inner strength to face the upcoming uncertain times. It helps to unleash the potential and creativity by offering proven tools, techniques and training that lead to achieving tangible and lasting results. Therefore we have created the global Life Plan Academy program, where, together with hundreds of trainers with the support of technology, through training modules, we help young people to believe in themselves and we give them the tools to achieve life goals.

At Marek Kamiński Academy, we give you the tools to become a better version of yourself.

My latest project, Power4Change, is an AI-based platform that aims to provide training that gives you mental resilience, perseverance and help you to build inner strength to achieve life goals. There, I share the knowledge that has helped me survive the most extreme conditions in the world and has helped change the lives of thousands of people.

Thanks to the use of humanoid robots, AI, VR and, in the future, holography, we want technology to help people not lose faith in themselves and survive.

And my most important journey in life is the Power4Change expedition planned for 2022 with a humanoid robot – NOA coach and an electric car around the world. Its purpose is to test and provide people with solutions to the questions: how can we survive, change the world and build a global Power4Change community thanks to changes in us and the support of technology?


All photos courtesy of Marek Kamiński

Marek Kamiński

Philosopher, explorer, businessman, writer. Over 30 years of exploration experience. Awarded a Word Guinness record in 1995 for reaching both Poles in one year, solo and without external assistance. Carried New York Explorer Club Flag 134 in 2005, leading the first-ever polar expedition to both Poles with a disabled person. Besides polar activity he also took part in other expeditions like crossing the Gibson Desert in Australia on foot, attending the National Geographic expedition to the source of the Amazon river, 4000 km pilgrimage from Russia to Santiago de Compostella, and many others. Author of 13 books. Lecturer, mentor, founder of Kaminski Institute and Kaminski Foundation. Always on the run, always one step ahead“.