| polandshiok.sg


Chef at the Spanish restaurant "El Botellón Varsovia"

He started his journey in gastronomy in his teen age. He grew up in cattle-breeding family and was involved in every stage of beef production, starting from breeding, through slaughtering up to proper meat cutting. Good preparation of meat,  so that it does not lose its value, and proper cutting is an art that only a few can do – he says. Though he has mastered this art for years, he is still in learning process.

He has always been choosing beef from trusted breeders only, selecting the product carefully and supervising its preparation and cutting. He believes that there is no room for low-quality meat in the kitchen.

During his career he participated in projects promoting Polish beef, organized by the Polish Association of Beef Producers and Breeders. He also participates in the projects promoting Polish beef under the patronage of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Beef Promotional Fund.