Polish lamb Polandshiok polish festival in Singapore | polandshiok.sg

Halal food market in Singapore and other ASEAN countries. Opportunities for Polish exporters


  • 14 July 2020
    3:30 – 6:00 PM (SGT)



Event type


Invited halal food experts discussed the following issues:

  • What does halal mean? What are halal products?
  • Demand for halal products in the world.
  • The market potential for halal food in Singapore and other ASEAN countries.
  • Exports to halal markets – key stages.
  • Possibilities to export halal products from Singapore to other ASEAN countries.
  • Differences between halal certification in ASEAN and Arab countries.
  • The market potential for meat products in Singapore (halal and non-halal).
  • Halal certification procedure.


Mr. Zuraimi Jumaat, halal consultant, ASEAN Managing Director and co-founder of the company HAEBARA Singapore Pte Ltd.

Zuraimi Jumaat has vast experience in the halal industry with insight on the global halal perimeters and has led SMEs in Singapore for Halal market development and compliance readiness including one of the largest poultry slaughterhouses in Singapore. He has been assisting government agencies, non-profit organisations and SMEs to tap into the halal industry by creating a sustainable framework. Mr Zuraimi used to work for Halal Certification Strategic Unit of the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (MUIS). He was also formerly serving as Halal Consultant for Warees Halal Limited (a subsidiary of MUIS).

Haebara Singapore Pte Ltd. is an investment holding company for the regional Asean business markets and registered in Singapore for farming automation, traceability and poultry breeding (IP) technology. Haebara provides its own unique breeds of chicken, duck and turkey to the poultry industries, starting with Asean region. Haebara’s commitment has been halal centric by delivering non-GMO poultry breeds raised with non-GMO feeds, as well as promoting poultry processing in the halal way by working closely with the food manufacturing/processing companies and other related business partners.

Mr. Alvin Kwek, President of Meat Traders Association and founder of the company Foodtrade Pte Ltd.

Alvin Kwek has 25 years of international trading experiences. He has travelled extensively to South Africa, Latin America, Indo-China, Middle East, USA, Russia, Europe, China, etc. He formed a company (Foodtrade Pte Ltd.) in June 2002, and has been involved in trading of frozen seafood, frozen meat, frozen foods, dairy, fresh fruits and vegetables, canned goods as well as commodities. The company has offices in Vietnam and China.

Currently he is the President of Meat Traders Association since year 2016. He was also the ex-President of Lion’s Club, which is a charity organisation, and served as a Treasury in the school committee. At the webinar Mr. Kwek shared his experience on an insight of frozen meat in Singapore.

His Excellency Mufti of Poland, Mr. Tomasz Miśkiewicz, Chairman of the Highest Muslim Board, Muslim Religious Union in the Republic of Poland

An Islamic religious leader. In 2000, he graduated from the Islamic University of Madinah, Saudi Arabia, with a degree in theology in the field of Islamic law. Since 2004, Mufti of the Republic of Poland and Chairman of the Highest Muslim Board of the Muslim Religious Union in the Republic of Poland.

The Muslim Religious Union in the Republic of Poland is a religious association operating in Poland since 1925, bringing together the Polish Tatar and Muslim communities. Since 2002, the Muslim Religious Union in the Republic of Poland has been working for the benefit of the Muslim community by certifying slaughterhouses, food industry and cosmetics companies. Produced and certified products are intended for consumers who care about respecting Islamic principles. The Muslim Religious Union in the Republic of Poland is acknowledged and recognized by certification bodies as a Halal Certification Body in many Arab and Asian countries, including Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore.

Organized by: 

Supported by: 
PolandShiok 2020 Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Singapore