| polandshiok.sg

Game Industry Conference


  • 19-21 November 2020

Event type


Register here


Join us for the Game Industry Conference 2020 this time in online form between 19 and 21 November. Tickets available here.

Online and Pay what you like

The GIC is a non-profit NGO with the aim to help gamedev grow and a strong belief that knowledge should be as available as possible. With that, the only way we see a 2020 event could be priced is pay what you like. We mean it! Everything is included, regardless if you decide to support us with your payment or need our support and choose zero, as we recommend in such a case.

MeetToMatch for the best meetings

The GIC offers the best B2B opportunities to reach industry professionals from Poland and most of Central and Eastern Europe. The best available meeting system MeetToMatch allows for well-organized sessions with just the proper business partners you are looking for. While offering the most premium meeting system, we humbly keep this as pay what you like, with the choice of zero RECOMMENDED for every indie that needs our support.

Teaching event with advanced talks

At the GIC we believe in the learning value of talks and we think that the content of presentations and meetings is more important than big names. Due to our unique marking of the presentation difficulty level (1 – basic, 2 – intermediate, 3 – advanced), we are looking for talks that will provide useful insight even to developers with years of experience. Speaker candidates have to go through an advanced and rigorous submission and review system, while our Advisory Board is working hard to verify the potential value of every talk.

And it pays off: the GIC is seen as a major teaching event with talks of only the best quality.